Interrelations of knowledge management for university education: a bibliographic review

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Arielle Lopes de Almeida
Ieda Pelógia Martins Damian


The university, through education, aims to promote the autonomy of its students in the construction of knowledge. By conceiving it in a continuous flow of meanings and redefinitions of knowledge in the university, contributions of knowledge management are identified as a facilitator for this construction and also for sharing. Thus, in order to understand how academic research has contributed to the subject of knowledge management for teaching-learning in university education, this article aims to identify the interrelationships between knowledge management processes and university education, through a bibliographic literature review. As a result, the interdisciplinarity between some theories of knowledge management and education is highlighted and the main axes addressed in this study are presented.


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Almeida, A. L. de, & Damian, I. P. M. (2023). Interrelations of knowledge management for university education: a bibliographic review. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 13(1), e202.


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