Bicycle, transportation and mobility: bibliometry analysis of open access scientific articles in journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus
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The perspective on sustainable mobility has been the object of investigation with a view to providing answers to the major problems faced in cities, with congestion being the main aggressor to the quality of life and the functioning of cities. This article aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis that allows describe the evolution of the generation of knowledge on the topic Bicycle, Transport and Mobility and is justified by contributing to the identification of perspectives that consider the bicycle in approaches to urban mobility. The time frame runs from 1999 to 2021 and resulted in 333 articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus. A proposed analysis in this article mapped as a means of transport bicycle has been studied in the context of sustainable mobility. The article is based on evidence that this theme is emerging in the literature, that there is recent literature on the theme and opportunities for international collaboration that we see advancing among the researchers of the selected databases. Turning now to the authors, among the 20 authors with the most publications revealed by the biblioshiny analysis platform, Fishman et al. (2014) has been of great relevance, having reached more than 289 citations by the year 2022.
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