Public library and the place of the self and the other: anthropological place or non-place?
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Objective: presents the public library as a public and democratic space that provides coexistence and development of the individual, from the perspective of the concepts of anthropological place and non-place theorized by the anthropologist Marc Augé. It recognizes the little social adherence of the public library in the brazilian reality. It exposes historical events about the construction of this institution in Brazil, marked by the culture of privilege. Research Classification: Social, theoretical, with exploratory and qualitative methodological design. Method: Bibliographical research. Main results: review of an epistemological problem: the disconnection between what the public library is and what it should be. Points related to the function of the public library with the concept of anthropological place from the establishment with the community, forming bonds and close relationships. Association of the public library as a non-place, noting the distancing of the institution from the daily life of the citizen, revealing the lack of social adherence and resonance. Conclusion: the concept of public library can be configured as an anthropological place or non-place; new perspectives on the concept, valuing the institution as a space can be explored; it contributes to the enrichment of reflections and questionings about the popularization of the public library in Brazil, combining theory and practice aiming at a greater reach, adherence and social impact.
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