Critical information literacy and educommunication: interdominial proposal in the fight against disinformation

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Ana Paula Alencar
Juliana Ferreira Marques
Marco Schneider
Edvaldo Carvalho Alves


Hyperinformation, conspiracy theories, algorithms, fake news, fake science, deep fake, post-truth, hate culture, are terms that make up the informational scenario of today regarding disinformation, as a concept and mediating process of contemporaneity. Facing this conjuncture, several spheres of society are challenged to conduct relations and processes that can counteract this reality. In this mission, schools, universities and other educational centers stand out, which have a preponderant role in the development of a critical sense that guides a public opinion marked by a common commitment to ethics, freedom and rationality, capable of facing up to disinformation. In this sense, although faced with a reality of professional devaluation, low salaries, and a lag in the supply of training, teachers play an important role by acting as mediators between knowledge and people, enabling the strengthening of citizenship. Based on this reality, several areas of knowledge have presented contributions in order to understand this potential to face the disinformation conjuncture in the school and academic environment with the active participation of teachers. Although they seem to discuss this phenomenon from different perspectives, some theoretical fields may have complementary conceptual and epistemological approaches. So, the aim of this study is to discuss the possibilities of using an interdominial construct between Critical Information Competence (CCI) and Educommunication in the educational field; and to propose a sequence of educommunicative activities in teacher education.


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How to Cite
Alencar, A. P., Ferreira Marques, J. ., Schneider , M., & Carvalho Alves, E. . (2022). Critical information literacy and educommunication: interdominial proposal in the fight against disinformation. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 11(2), e153.
Dossier: Alfabetización en información: tendencias, conocimientos y experiencias innovadoras en bibliotecas y otros espacios educativos y culturales


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