Overview and perspectives for Open Access development in Argentina

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Sandra Miguel
Paola Bongiovani
Nancy Diana Gómez
Gema Bueno de la Fuente


This paper provides an overview and perspectives for development of the Open Access movement in Argentina, within the global and regional (Latin American) context. It outlines the evolution and current state of initiatives around the two main approaches to Open Access, the golden and green roads. The main Open Access policies and support of OA movement by governments in Latin American region, and particularly in Argentina, are highlighted, while recent studies on publishing practices and authors’ positions regarding Open Access are presented. The paper concludes that the prospects for development of OA in Argentina, both through golden and green roads are favorable, with their strengths and shortcomings


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How to Cite
Miguel, S., Bongiovani, P., Gómez, N. D., & Bueno de la Fuente, G. (2013). Overview and perspectives for Open Access development in Argentina. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 2(2), 1–10. Retrieved from https://www.palabraclave.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/PCv2n2a01