Reading policies and plans: The Uruguayan experience
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Public policies for reading promotion are analyzed. It is enhanced the design of national plans, in relation with the socio educative context of a country. It is presented a brief revision of some actions in favor of reading promotion in iberoamerican countries, and the national reading plan of Uruguay is analyzed in detail. Concepts such as reading campaign, reading promotion, book and reading animation activities, and reading public policies are defined. Reading is evaluated in the new social context highly influenced by the presence of information, and communication technologies. It is presented the different reading strategies: textual and multimedia reading, and the different intentions of it: reading for education, pleasure and information. As well, reading is regarded as an essential tool for promoting critical individuals able to develop the necessary competences for the XXI century
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Ceretta Soria, M. G. (2012). Reading policies and plans: The Uruguayan experience. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 2(1), 35–50. Retrieved from