Archives and business organizations: An unavoidable consensus

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Agustín Vivas Moreno


The present article aims to analyze the necessary presence of an archival service in the business organization for greater efficiency. To do this, we structured the work into two sections: first, we analyze the properties that characterize archival today and propose a definition of our discipline, and secondly, we focus on the necessary action in business document management. To do this, and after describing what is that document management, we present the planning stages of an archival system in any organization (phase analysis, development and design, implementation and control system). For the latter, we make a systematic comparison of what some authors say about


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How to Cite
Vivas Moreno, A. (2011). Archives and business organizations: An unavoidable consensus. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 1(1), 40–58. Retrieved from

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