Cultural warrant as a justification in knowledge organization systems: A critical approach

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Mario G. Barité


An exploratory analysis of the "cultural warrant" concept is made with the objective of determining related future research areas. First, the generic notion of "warrant" is reviewed as it has been considered by Knowledge Organization. Different kinds of warrants proposed to legitimate the inclusion of terminology in knowledge organization systems are described. A critical analysis of the "culture" concept is carried out as well as the way in which the various anthropological, sociological and political point of views come together in its epistemological construction. The treatment of the cultural warrant in the relevant literature is reviewed and discussed. Its contribution to the construction of cultural identities through differentiation elements in the interpretation and life experience is valued.The relationship between cultural warrant and local culture is developed in-depth. The insertion of the ethical factor through of the cultural warrant is weighted in the development of classification schemes as well as the classification and indexing processes. The need to explore in greater detail the methodological alternatives which can be based upon this integrative and democratizing conception in the Knowledge Organization field is established among other conclusions


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How to Cite
Barité, M. G. (2011). Cultural warrant as a justification in knowledge organization systems: A critical approach. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 1(1), 2–11. Retrieved from