Bibliographic and documentary heritage of Oriente antioqueño (Colombia): a contribution to the memories that are built with the territory

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María Teresa Arbeláez Garcés
Sandra Patricia Bedoya Mazo
Beatriz Elena Cadavid Gómez
José Daniel Moncada Patiño
Esneider Antonio Ocampo


This research focuses on the general identification and diagnosis of bibliographical and documentary (non-archivistic) materials and/or collections in the custody of institutions, organizations or individuals, with seat in the capitals of the municipalities that make up the subregion of the East of Antioquia (Colombia). Recognized actions of organization, conservation, access and dissemination that have been carried out or are being carried out, with the purpose of providing inputs for the implementation of the National Plan of Bibliographic and Documentary Heritage and make recommendations for the protection of these materials and/or collections and the insertion of their management in national, departmental, local or institutional plans. It is a qualitative study with a comparative approach, with exercises of application of surveys, interviews and direct observation, with visits to the sites and to the people who potentially exercise the custody function. This after reviewing databases of each type of institution, identification from the municipal structure and natural persons referred by different means. It is evident the existence of a wealth of collections in a wide variety of formats with predominance of the printed. It highlights the photographs, press, monographs and the existence, mainly, of local collections in a good state of conservation, in general. Although it can be said that actions are implemented for the management of the patrimony, the necessary means and resources and training processes for the custodians are still lacking. Local and departmental authorities need to invest more in preventive conservation, organization and, especially, dissemination of heritage collections.


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Arbeláez Garcés, M. T., Bedoya Mazo, S. P., Cadavid Gómez, B. E., Moncada Patiño, J. D., & Ocampo, E. A. (2024). Bibliographic and documentary heritage of Oriente antioqueño (Colombia): a contribution to the memories that are built with the territory. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 14(1), e231.


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