How do we get to our library users? The communication of university libraries through the content and message of their regulations

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Marcela Beatriz Verde


The present article explores the content and style of the message from the regulations of the public and private university libraries of the province of Córdoba (Argentina). The aim was to know the structure and the normative aspects that include. The regulations were studied from their web pages considering aspects, content structure, writing style and relevance of messages. This investigation started with the perception that the words and sentences chosen tended to indicate restrictions and limitations with a negative tone. Diversity on styles was observed and the use of negative expressions was corroborated in high percentages. Regarding the thematic structure, an arbitrary differentiation was detected that shows it as independent units that do not always have the necessary coherence and cohesion. The primary basis on which they base the elaboration of the regulations was not determined with certainty, however some reasons could be pointed out from the type of mandates they establish: order the librarian Ìs task; guide the library users on the available resources, indicate their proper use to achieve equitable, efficient and democratic use or fit within strict rules. In this way, the need to investigate the fundamentals of the elaboration of these regulations is raised, which, together with the findings presented, seem to be the cause of ignorance and difficulty of application. Finally, it was possible to elaborate a series of recommendations that are included in this article.


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How to Cite
Verde, M. B. (2020). How do we get to our library users? The communication of university libraries through the content and message of their regulations. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 10(1), e111.
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Author Biography

Marcela Beatriz Verde, Escuela de Bibliotecología - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Documentación de la UNC.

Docente de las Cátedras: Gestión de sistemas y servicios de Información y Seminario Implementación de un SGC en bibliotecas.

Bibliotecaria en el Sistema de Bibliotecas de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Departamento Gestión de Calidad

Investigadora de Secyt categoría V. Miempro del Equipo de Investigación Usuarios de la Información. UNC

Fué Vice-directora de la escuela de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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