Strengths and weaknesses of the main scientific information databases from a bibliometric perspective

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Andrés Vuotto
Victoria Di Césare
Natalia Pallotta


The present papers studies the most relevant scientific information databases at regional and international level from the perspective of their characteristics and functionalities. The main objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this secondary sources through the analysis of their indexing capabilities, coverage, interoperability and scientific information search and recovery for the bibliometric activity. On the basis of information observation and collection from each database website, two ad hoc design tables are developed in order to analyse and compare their performance according to a series of dimensions that cover from formal aspects (origin, purpose, scope) to functional aspects (access, format, quality). Reflection on the contribution of these sources to the matrix construction that allow the development and calculation of indicators for scientific activity evaluation is made. A strong tendency of the systems towards the search and recovery service for bibliographic research, without added value for the reuse of data, is observed. It is concluded that most of the studied systems require hard work on the restructuring and enrichment of the records so that their data export services constitute true tools for bibliometric research.


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Vuotto, A., Di Césare, V., & Pallotta, N. (2020). Strengths and weaknesses of the main scientific information databases from a bibliometric perspective. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 10(1), e101.
Dossier Estudios métricos de la información: abordajes teóricos, metodológicos y empíricos


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