The implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty and the political action of the library sector: a look from the collective "Librarians to the Senate"

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Virginia Inés Simón
Evelin Heidel
María Eugenia Naiaretti
Paula Roldán


The implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty in Argentina offers a possibility of fundamental political action for one of the key missions of libraries: to guarantee unrestricted access to information for citizens. In this article we offer the view of “Librarians to the Senate” on the need to intervene in the conformation of the policies that affect the daily exercise of library activities, and we explain the actions carried out in the campaign for the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty in Argentina.


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Simón, V. I., Heidel, E., Naiaretti, M. E., & Roldán, P. (2020). The implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty and the political action of the library sector: a look from the collective "Librarians to the Senate". Palabra Clave (La Plata), 9(2), e094.
Notes for discussion


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