Safe use of information: an analysis of the SCOPUS database

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Helen C. S. Casarin
Rodrigo Barbosa Paulo


Access the information using the internet is gaining more and more space in our society, including among children and adolescents. The study aimed to identify research trends related to the safe use of online information and the development of information literacy. A survey was performed in the SCOPUS database and after refining the results, 71 references were obtained. As a result it is observed that the United States and the United Kingdom are the largest producers of content on the subject, 52.9% of the productions are through scientific articles. It was found that the documents underscore the importance of guidance on the subject in the school, especially the school library in this process, being in public school, the place that students most access the internet. It has also been found that the safe use of information theme covers many other subthemes: data exposure, sexual abuse, cyberbullying. It was concluded that the research on secure use of information in online environments is complex and that the area lacks research on the subject aiming to obtain more subsidies to better understand this issue and having the school as a space for application, discussion and guidance that enable the development of skills for safer browsing by teenagers.


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How to Cite
Casarin, H. C. S. ., & Paulo, R. B. (2020). Safe use of information: an analysis of the SCOPUS database. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 9(2), e089.



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