Public book publishing policy in North Patagonia: The Neuquino Editorial Fund

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Mauricio C. Bertuzzi


In 1989, the province of Neuquén created the Neuquino Editorial Fund (FEN, by its initials in Spanish) by Law number 1809, with the aim of publishing, spreading and selling the works of local writers. The functioning and evolution of FEN was uneven, and there were several proposals to modify it over time. The last modification was sponsored by the Department of Culture (which today has the level of Ministry) in 2018, leading to the passing of Law number 3164, which replaced Law number 1809.

During its 30 years of existence, this editorial project overlapped with other contributions from state entities to publish books from Neuquén. In its beginnings it overlapped with other similar provincial laws in North Patagonia: the Rí­o Negro province in 1984 created the Rionegrino Editorial Fund, and The Pampa province implemented the Pampeano Editorial Fund in 1985.

The present article describes and analyzes the FEN, highlighting the particular features of the way the law was drafted and implemented. It also aims to discuss some weaknesses in its implementation in order to help strengthen the state’s strategies for book publishing, given the important role of the state in designing active policies to promote and increase the bibliodiversity of the Argentinean book ecosystem.


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Bertuzzi, M. C. (2020). Public book publishing policy in North Patagonia: The Neuquino Editorial Fund. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 9(2), e087.
Dossier: Catálogos y colecciones editoriales en Latinoamérica: abordajes teóricos, históricos y materiales, coordinado por María Eugenia Costa (UNLP) y Marina Garone Gravier (UNAM)



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