The open roads of Latin America

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Marcela Fushimi
Fernando Ariel López


We present the dossier "On open access to open science: progress and reflections at the age of 17 of the BOAI", in which we review some of the recent initiatives that have emerged around the world to advance the realization of the expected open access to scientific literature, with special emphasis on the Latin American region. At the same time, a summary of the articles included in the dossier is presented, the first referring to the role of libraries in the Open Access and Open Science processes, and the rest dedicated to the analysis of different situations in three Latin American countries: Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina


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How to Cite
Fushimi, M., & López, F. A. (2019). The open roads of Latin America. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 9(1), e076.
Dossier : Del Acceso Abierto a la Ciencia Abierta: avances y reflexiones a 17 años de la BOAI


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