Publication of open data in cultural heritage institutions
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From the growing movement of open data and discussions about data publishing, it is questioned: how can information centers incite the publication of these data in an open format to facilitate the dissemination, access, use and reuse? The objective is, then, to present the proposal for the publication of open data for cultural heritage institutions, from the results of a study between the aspects of metadata related to the description of assets and open data publishing practices that are recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The methods and procedures included exploratory research in the scientific and documentary literature, national and international, on the movement of data publishing and on the use of metadata in the representation of cultural heritage. A study comparing the aspects of metadata related to the description of cultural heritage and good practices of publication of data recommended in document by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is presented. The results showed a confluence between the objectives of the W3C consortium, the representation processes practiced by the information science and the general scope of the digital humanities with respect to the sustainability of the published data and the data management in the digital environment. It proposes a procedure for publishing open data to be applied by cultural institutions, as an incentive for the understanding and use of the tools of the movement by national cultural institutions.
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