Non-utilitarian reading in the university in the digital age. A multivariate analysis that locates the printed text in the literature reading
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This paper explores the preference of the printed text for reading literature in a university community. A characterization of reading and writing in the university is made and a review of the importance of non-utilitarian reading is presented in this context. The issue of the appropriation of ICT in the university environment is reviewed, identifying the relevance of reading and writing in the digital age. The case study uses data from a survey applied at the Universidad Veracruzana, for which the context and background are presented. A description of the variables and the strategy of statistical analysis is made. We analyze the factors that are associated with the format preference and characterize the main associations based on independence tests using the Chi-Square statistic; for multivariate associations, a multiple correspondence analysis was run. It is concluded that the preference of the printed text is still very marked, a little more among women, highlighting the level of taste and time of dedication among academics and officials. However, the concept of reading that is more frequent is related to the utilitarian reading.
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