Self-publishing in libraries: sistematic literature review

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Almudena Mangas-Vega
Javier Merchán Sánchez-Jara
Alberto Ramos Alonso


Self-publishing is not a phenomenon that has its birth in recent times but has found in digital a catalyst to gain enormous growth in last years. The work studies through a systematic review of literature (in English, SLR), if this phenomenon has penetrated the library community and in what way it has done so. The results show a topic that has taken high relevance, although with a marked geographical tendency of Anglo-Saxon character. Self-publishing appears as an element of the collection offered and as a service to users, and in all cases, we talk about positive experiences. The rest of the non-Anglo-Saxon world is conservative on this issue but has before it a new line of research and the background of the experiences of these works to satisfy this further need of its users in the best way possible.


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Mangas-Vega, A., Merchán Sánchez-Jara, J., & Ramos Alonso, A. (2018). Self-publishing in libraries: sistematic literature review. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 7(2), e047.
Dossier: Libros electrónicos y lectura digital: los escenarios del cambio


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