Approaches to the study of informational contexts of Cuban institutions of higher education sector

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Gloria Ponjuan Dante


Objectives: an approach to the behavior of the informational context of a group of Cuban organizations belonging to the higher education sector is presented. Methodology:  an exploratory study was developed using a simple of Cuban informational organizations belonging to the sector of higher education.  An anonymous survey was carried out among professionals that work in different levels or roles in this sector. The answers were open, without preelaborated options, intending their pronunciation without a close redaction of the aspects considered. Results: a high concentration of answers is obtained corresponding to areas such as management or technology representing its importance to participants. The balance of positive and negative answers is interesting.  The solutions proposed also are related to the negative answers obtained.  No significant differences are preliminarily identified with other sectors being studied, but there is a reduction in the category unstable/turbulent that could be related to the characteristics of the educational sector. Conclusions: an analysis of the contexts can contribute to the identification of some items than can positively or negatively influence some particular issue, in this case information in organizations, suggesting that its attention can favor solutions in the system performance and its effectiveness.  Some positive results also have negative views in some participants that look for an improvement of some items.  Some recommendations were suggested to the participant’s institutions.


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How to Cite
Ponjuan Dante, G. (2017). Approaches to the study of informational contexts of Cuban institutions of higher education sector. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 7(1), e035.
Dossier: Gestión de la información: dilemas y perspectiva
Author Biography

Gloria Ponjuan Dante, Universidad de La Habana.Facultad de Comunicación.Dpto. Ciencias de la Información

Profesora Titular y Consultante


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