The state of the systems of information in the companies prioritized according to the current requirementstized according to the current requirements

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Grisel Castillo Almeida
Elio Moisés Pérez Rodríguez


The necessity to maintain efficient systems of information in the prioritized companies of the territory of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, took us to carry out a diagnosis to determine the current state of the same ones and to propose group actions that congratulate the taking of decisions and the identification of the useful flows of information, to favor the organizational acting. The results of the study evidenced among other that alone 12% has an organized system of information and implemented according to the current requirements, what indicates that 88% is wasting the opportunities that offer the systems of information, also stands out the necessity to implement good practices to assure the security of the information according to the effective norms. The execution of a group of activities was approved to rise in first term the efficiency of the informative system of the study sample, with a view to continuing deepening toward the managerial intelligence.


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How to Cite
Castillo Almeida, G., & Pérez Rodríguez, E. M. (2017). The state of the systems of information in the companies prioritized according to the current requirementstized according to the current requirements. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 6(2), e022.
Desarrollos e innovaciones
Author Biography

Grisel Castillo Almeida, Center of Information and Technological Administration

Master in Management of the science and the innovation


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