Selective dissemination of health information: Bulletins of the National Medical Library of Cuba

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Sonia Santana Arroyo
Maria del Carmen González Rivero
Cristina González Pagés


The National Medical Library of Cuba (BMN) has the mission to ensure the provision of scientific and technology information to the community of professionals that make up the healthcare sector in the country, primarily the Ministry of Public Health, identified as prioritized user of BMN, in order to elevate the quality of care, research, management and teaching, as well as to encourage the finding of new solutions that enable to face health problems in Cuba and in the world. This article aims to describe the making process of the bulletins: Bibliomed, Bibliomed Supplemento, BiblioDir and Factográfico de Salud, which are offered by specialists from Selective Dissemination of Information Service that resides in the BMN area of Customer Service, in order to support the decision making of health managers of Cuba Ministry of Public Health. For this purpose, the paper details scope, content, sections, team responsibility, procedures for preparing and processing the bulletins. Most used sources of information and skills of staff are also presented. Such Informative scientific work strengthen BMN as a paradigm of the cuban medical libraries network, transforming the pattern of a traditional library into a modern library, characterized by an effective knowledge management and development processes in virtual environments.


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How to Cite
Santana Arroyo, S., González Rivero, M. del C., & González Pagés, C. (2016). Selective dissemination of health information: Bulletins of the National Medical Library of Cuba. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 6(1), e012. Retrieved from
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