The application of Latindex Catalog 2.0 editorial quality criteria in Brazilian scientific journals: a preliminary analysis
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Objective: The study preliminarily analyzes the application of the editorial quality criteria of Catalog 2.0 of the Latindex indexer in Brazilian scientific journals and reveals which criteria the reviewed journals least meet, serving as a parameter for editors who would like to request an evaluation of their journals over the term Catalog 2.0. Methodology: Methodology: Based on a quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach, the study uses the data generated during the evaluations of journals for Catalog 2.0 of Latindex to understand the editorial quality of the journals evaluated. Results: The results obtained show that the journals previously evaluated high non-compliance rates in the Latindex index, but these failures are mostly associated with non-compliance of specific criteria, which can be easily remedied, as long as the editors and editorial teams pay attention to specificities required by the indexer. Conclusions: The Brazilian scientific journals evaluated for Latindex Catalog 2.0 have high non-compliance rates and tend to fail to attend editorial criteria quality criteria that are important to guarantee the scientificity of this type of publication. Criteria such as “Continuous content generation”, “Peer review system”, “Institutional affiliation of the members of the editorial board”, “Originality requirement”, “Plagiarism detection”, “Use of interoperability protocols” are among those that have the highest non-compliance rates. On the other hand, many evaluated journals have been successful in the evaluation fulfilling these same criteria, which sets out a promising scenario in relation to the editorial quality of these journals. It's the function of the editors and editorial teams to pay attention to the fulfillment of these criteria since they are charged by practically all indexers of scientific journals.
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