Disaster management tool serving information reducing health disasters in animals and plants in Cuban

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Haymee Canales Becerra
María Irian Percedo
Mayra G. Rodríguez
Isel González


The present article aims to disseminate the experiences of the information management work in REDesastres, the first telematic network of the Training Center for the Reduction of Animal and Plant Health Disasters (CEDESAP), attached to the National Center for Agricultural and Livestock Health (CENSA) and Sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) and the National Civil Defense National Staff (EMNDC) of Cuba. REDesastres provides informational support to all members of the network as a key factor for updating, timely decision making and active participation of all actors and sectors involved in the reduction of animal and plant health disasters. It has more than 510 destinations and enables the real-time interconnection of professionals, executives and officials from various Cuban and Latin American disciplines and institutions. Through the network, more than 1376 messages have been circulated with relevant up-to-date and commented information from health agencies and international news agencies, scientific publications and national sources on emerging, reemerging, transboundary diseases and disaster management.


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How to Cite
Canales Becerra, H., Percedo, M. I., Rodríguez, M. G., & González, I. (2017). Disaster management tool serving information reducing health disasters in animals and plants in Cuban. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 6(2), e023. https://doi.org/10.24215/PCe023
Desarrollos e innovaciones


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