Situation of open access in universities. Case and model of analysis at University of Antioquia

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Alejandro Uribe Tirado
Jaider Ochoa-Gutiérrez
César Pallares
Diego Restrepo-Quintero
Gabriel Vélez-Cuartas
Jorge Robledo-Velásquez
Huber Gómez-Molina
María Coral Correa-Tabares
Julián Calle-Mosquera
Ana María Osorio-López


Since the 1990s, the open access movement has promoted democratization and global access to research based on practices and tools that seek to break down the barriers to access and use of scientific publications. This has led to changes in the forms of scientific communication of researchers, so institutions require measurement strategies that allow them to dimension these changes. Therefore, the objective of this article is to propose a methodology to measure and characterize open access practices in Latin American universities, taking the University of Antioquia as a case study. For this, an automatic bibliographic data collection strategy was designed from three sources (Web of Science, SciELO and Scopus), and open access indicators were calculated for 7,990 articles with DOI of the Institution. It was identified that the open production of the University has increased in recent years, especially in the case of the golden route, with an impact on the payment of APC made by academic documents.


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Uribe Tirado, A., Ochoa-Gutiérrez, J., Pallares, C., Restrepo-Quintero, D., Vélez-Cuartas, G., Robledo-Velásquez, J., Gómez-Molina, H., Correa-Tabares, M. C., Calle-Mosquera, J., & Osorio-López, A. M. (2019). Situation of open access in universities. Case and model of analysis at University of Antioquia. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 9(1), e078.
Dossier : Del Acceso Abierto a la Ciencia Abierta: avances y reflexiones a 17 años de la BOAI


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