Knowledge management and organizational memory: research update
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In a previous study, a knowledge management model was developed, focused on organizational memory and strategic guidelines based on the critical success factors of this management that considered organizational memory to contribute to the success of knowledge management and provide the construction of sustainable competitive advantages that has been validated in Spanish organizations. In view of the expressive results arising from this previous study, this work carried out a bibliographical survey that encompassed research on knowledge management, critical success factors of knowledge management, knowledge management models and organizational memory, with the objective of identifying advances that have occurred in recent years in the research area. The searches, from 2019 to july 2023, were carried out in the Database of Periodicals in Information Science and in the Scientific Electronic Library Online. 308 records were retrieved which, after inconsistencies and duplications, resulted in 133 valid records. It is emphasized that this bibliographic survey will serve as a basis for a larger project that will validate the study described above in Brazilian organizations. As a result, this survey made it possible to carry out an analysis of what was produced in the years following the research in the Spanish context to ensure that new and important findings were considered when carrying out the research in the Brazilian context. In addition, it was possible to conclude that, despite knowledge management and organizational memory being in evidence, reinforcing the importance of researched terms in information science, the relationship between searched terms still needs further studies.
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